Membership of a professional body serves a number of different and diverse purposes. Apart from offering a focal point for the profession that enables members to advance mutual professional interests, membership is also used by professions to regulate and control professional practice and domains.

The Australasian Institute of Policing (AiPol) is the independent voice of Australasian policing, representing the views and promoting the skills of the profession to all levels of government, industry, the media and the community.

Through the sharing of knowledge and best practice policing the Institute aims to ultimately enhance the policing service to our communities.

So what’s in it for me?

Membership of the Australasian Institute of Policing currently affords a number of benefits including:


Eligibility for Membership

All Members must:

  • Be of good character and integrity; and
  • Agree to abide and be bound by the Institute’s Rules, code of ethics and regulations; and
  • Pay the application fee and annual membership; and

Meet the membership criteria requirements set out within these Rules

Membership declaration

(a)        Each applicant is required to make a declaration affirming that he or she is a person of good character and integrity.  A false declaration will give rise to the expulsion of the applicant or member. 

(b)        All applicants and members must provide written authority for the Institute to conduct a criminal history check to verify the declaration of good character and integrity.

Categories of Membership

The Institute has approved the following categories of membership and may approve additional categories of membership as it sees fit from time to time.

  • Associate Member
  • Corporate Member (as per a Member but without voting rights)
  • Member (MAIPOL)
  • Fellow (FAIPOL)
  • Foundational Fellow (FAIPOL)
  • Principal Fellow (FAIPOL)


Associate Member

An Associate Member must satisfy the following criteria:

  1. a) Must be attending or have completed a training course recognised by the Institute (eg. police academy/college training) and have been sworn for under 2-years; or
  2. b) Be currently employed within policing (including non-sworn police staff, Military Police, Customs, Border Force and other government law enforcement and anti-corruption bodies); or
  3. c) Be a staff member of an academic institution engaging in police related studies, education or research; and
  4. c) Must satisfy the eligibility for membership

An Associate Member does not have the entitlement to vote.

Corporate Member

Corporate Membership to the Institute is available to any Australian or New Zealand policing agency or related organisation.

A Corporate Member must satisfy the following criteria:

  1. a) Must be attending or have completed a training course recognised by the Institute (eg. police academy/college training) and have been sworn for under 2-years; or
  2. b) Be currently employed within policing (including non-sworn police staff, Military Police, Customs, Border Force and other government law enforcement and anti-corruption bodies); or
  3. c) Be a staff member of an academic institution engaging in police related studies, education or research; and
  4. c) Must satisfy the eligibility for membership

A Corporate Member does not have the entitlement to vote.


A Member must satisfy the following criteria:

  1. a) Must be currently employed within policing and held the ‘Oath of Office’ for a minimum of 2 years; or
  2. b) Must have previously been employed within policing and held the ‘Oath of Office’ for not less than 5 years; and
  3. c) Must satisfy the eligibility for membership 

Entitled to use the post nominal initials MAIPOL


A Fellow must satisfy the following criteria:

  1. a) Must be a Member of the Institute; and
  2. b) Must be currently employed within policing and held ‘Oath of Office’ for a minimum of 10 years; or
  3. c) Must have previously been employed within policing and held the ‘Oath of Office’ for not less than 10 years; and
  4. d) Have completed a post graduate qualification(s) as specified by the Institute; or
  5. e) Satisfy the Institute that they possess the requisite level of experience and capabilities, but have not less than 20 years of proven experience within policing; and
  6. f) Must have provided assistance to the Institute by way of service or committee representation for a minimum period of 3 years; or
  7. g) In the assessment of the Committee has undertaken meritorious service in the furtherance of the policing profession; and
  8. h) Must satisfy the eligibility for membership 

Entitled to use the post nominal initials FAIPOL

Foundational Fellow

(a)        Foundational Fellows are those foundational members of the Institute.  These members will continue as members of the Institute and as members of the Institute’s Committee of Management until such time as they voluntarily resign as members, are deceased or otherwise legally incapacitated. 

(b)        When a Foundational Fellow ceases to be a member of the Institute, they shall be succeeded by a Principal Fellow appointed by majority vote of those remaining Foundational Fellows or succeeded Principal Fellows.

Entitled to use the post nominal initials FAIPOL

Principal Fellow

(a)        Principal Fellows are members of the Institute who are appointed by majority vote of Foundational Fellows (or succeeded Principal Fellows). 

(b)        These members will continue as members of the Institute and as members of the Institute’s Committee of Management until such time as they voluntarily resign as members, are deceased or otherwise legally incapacitated.

Entitled to use the post nominal initials FAIPOL


Associate Member

Member Registration

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