$25 will help towards developing, promoting and encouraging ethical standards of policing.

$50 will help facilitate the sharing of research and information to best practice policing.

$100 will go towards research projects that will enhance public confidence in the policing profession.

$500 will go towards research projects that will improve the service provided to the public by members of the policing profession.
Donations made to the Australasian Institute of Policing will go directly towards improving the policing profession in Australia by influencing decision makers through evidence based research into the effectiveness and appropriateness of various law enforcement legislations, policies, practices and procedures.
An important feature of research conducted by the Australasian Institute of Policing is that we draw together three key areas within our research:-
- identification and drivers of peoples contact and experience with the criminal justice system;
- public perception of crime, policing, and the criminal justice system; and
- police practitioners knowledge and experience within the criminal justice system.
to develop SMART recommendations to decision makers with goals that are designed to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound.
Please fill out the contact form below to submit your tax deductible donation through PayPal.