Surveys are used to inform AiPol researchers on various research projects. The surveys are of academic quality to ensure it is evidence based research. Some surveys will have public access, whilst others will be restricted to Fellows, Members and Associate members.
When activating the survey facility, AiPol will explain the purpose of the research project . A relevant target group (eg police practitioners, lawyers, judiciary, members of the public etc) will be invited to participate in this research project and it will be explained why that group is being asked to participate.
Participation in any AiPol research is voluntary. You may choose not to participate. If you decide to participate in an AiPol research survey, you may withdraw at any time. If you decide not to participate in an AiPol research project or if you withdrawal from participating at any time, you may do so.
The AiPol procedure involves filling out an online survey that will take approximately 30 minutes. Your responses will be confidential and we do not collect identifying information such as your name, email address or IP address. The survey questions will be about a specific topic or topics.
AiPol will do our best to keep your information confidential. All data is stored in a password protected electronic format. To help protect your confidentiality, the surveys will not contain information that will personally identify you. The results of AiPol research will be used for scholarly purposes only and may be shared with SurveyMonkey University representatives.
If you have any questions about any AiPol research project, please contact Dr Amanda Davies, via our email address.
Any survey conducted by AiPol will also be reviewed according to SurveyMonkey University IRB procedures for research involving human subjects.