The AiPOL journal seeks to offer our readers access to papers which include a more general discussion basis on policing and law enforcement related topics.
Articles are normally around 4-5000 words long ( or less) fully Harvard referenced and should have an abstract of around 100-150 words.
Instructions to authors
Please read and follow these instructions carefully; doing so will ensure that the publication of your paper is as rapid and efficient as possible. The Institute reserves the right to return papers that are not prepared in accordance with these instructions.
Submission of papers
Authors should papers via e-mail to the Secretary at
Don’t be too concerned about the format of the document as it may well be reformatted for editorial purposes. As a general guide however please refer to the checklist below.
Submission Checklist
- Please ensure that papers are submitted in word (.doc) format in Size 12, Times New Roman font.[/list_item]
- Please use 1.5 spacing throughout the text.
- Please make sure to fully justify all sections of the paper (except headings).
- Please keep the length of your paper to 25 pages or less – including references, notes and tables.
- Please use the word count feature to ensure that your manuscript avoids going beyond the 7500 word limit.
- Please include a short (100 word) biography.
- Please include a brief Abstract of your paper (up to 250 words as a guide).
Licence and permissions
It is a condition of publication that authors grant an exclusive licence to the Australasian Institute of Policing Inc. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently, and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. In assigning copyright, authors may use their own material in other publications, provided that the journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and the Institute is notified in writing and in advance.
Work submitted for publication must be original, previously unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If previously published figures, tables, or parts of text are to be included, the copyright-holder’s permission must have been obtained prior to submission. For more information on how to obtain permissions, please consult Rights and Permissions.
Preparation of papers
All manuscripts will undergo some editorial modification, so it is important to check proofs carefully. Proofs will be sent via e-mail to the corresponding author for checking. To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked and returned within 48 hours. Corrections should be returned by annotated track-changes by e-mail.
Authors’ corrections to published papers are made only in exceptional circumstances (for example major errors that compromise the conclusion of the study).

Dr. Amanda Davies is a lecturer who has been with CSU on a full-time basis since 2005. Her particular area of expertise is communication (police/citizen interactions).
More recently Amanda has focused on the development, utilization and evaluation of simulation for developing policing knowledge and skills.
In 2009 Amanda received a Vice Chancellor Award for Teaching Excellence and an Australian Learning and teaching Council Citation for Teaching.
During 2008 and 2009 Amanda presented two co-authored papers receiving awards for outstanding paper.
Amanda completed her PhD in 2013 and is undertaking research in the utilization of simulation in police training.